Sunday, December 30, 2007

EDM #150 Draw a candle

This is my Christmas candle.
It has seen many Christmases.
The holder is still as pretty as the
day I got it.

EDM # 146 Draw a favorite food

This apple was fun. Trying to get
all the different colors blended in
there right was a challenge. I
think I was actually able to get
the lighting in there also.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

EDM # 148 Draw something soothing

Okay, I was feeling really creative today. So,
I went back one more weekly challenge and
tried this. I started with charcoal pencil and
ended up adding chalk pastels to it. The
picture in black and white didn't do it
justice, so I added the colors of the candle
holder. This is my first attempt at using
pastels so I hope you like it. Let me know
what you all think. I had a really hard
time with the lighting. I am not sure how
to make the lighting form the burning flame
realistic and the shadowing it creates.
Any tips would be appreciated.


EDM # 149 Draw a Broom

Its been a while, but I finally turned
out some more art. It feels good to
have done something creative again.
This one was more difficult than I
thought it would be - draw a broom.
Hope you like it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Every Day Matters drawings

This is my last one for now! This weekend I might try something different. You'll have to wait with me and see if I can make it work. This particular drawing is #138 Something Soft. Not my most professional work, but the memories were great. I have lots of these kinds of treasures from each of my three children. Maybe I will at some point draw some more. You will have to wait and see. Thanks, Barbara.

My Every Day Matters drawings

Here is another one. I thought I would try #11, which seemed easy enough at the time. It wasn't, but I had fun trying. I tried to add the shading in. The lighting created many different directions of shadow. Could be worse I guess. Thanks Barbara

My Every Day Matters Pictures

I have finally finished a drawing or two, and am able to upload them to my blog. I hope you will all let me know what you think. I know I am lacking, and would be thrilled to get tips on any way to improve. Thanks for listening. Hope to hear from some of you soon. Barbara

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My computer art

When I made this picture, I had just applied for a college on-line course to get my degree in business management, with the hopes of adding visual communications as a concentration in the near future. So I sat at my computer and attempted this. I copied and pasted a picture of my daughter onto a rose, appropriate because she has a middle name of rose, and she is one of the many beautiful roses in my life. This was the result. I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I love it. It was a great first attempt anyway. I will treasure it always.